P. 6
imise image distortion by Lens Distortion Correction

Lens Distortion typically appears in videos causing straight lines close to the edge to curve outwards. With Lens Distortion
Correction technology, available on the Wisenet Q series, imperfections in images are easily repaired.

Distorted image LDC adopted image

Perfect for small to medium sized applications

The complete line of Wisenet Q series has the ability to solve small to medium sized application challenges.
• S ave both installation costs and time by using the Wisenet Q series together with our PoE NVRS to create a suitable solution for
small to medium sized applications.
• Install cameras on entrances / lobbies, parking lots, elevators, hallways, aisles and more.

This professional line of surveillance cameras will enable you to create a secure environment to meet your needs.

Store Floor Checkout & Service Counter
Employee Areas / Bank Office
Parking Lot
Receiving & Store Room
Entrance Elevator
PoE NVR SRN-1673S/873S/473S Lobby
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