Page 35 - Catalog Kantech 2014
P. 35
Kantech Access Control and Security Management System

Communication Devices

Kantech IP Control Module

KT-IP (IP controller module) completes the Kantech line of Features:
products providing affordable Internet connectivity for the
KT-100, 200 & 300 ranges of controllers. • Secure communication via 128-bit
AES encryption

• Configured using either a static or
dynamic IP address

• Communications over the network
only as required - minimal bandwidth usage

• Up to 512 IP Links can be supported per EntraPass
Corporate Gateway

• Supports up to 32 controllers per IP Link
• Compatible with Entrapass Special Edition, Corporate

Edition and Global Edition with Corporate Gateway
• CE certified

In the present architecture, distant sites require the
installation of remote gateway computer to manage the
local loop of controller. While this setup is perfect for large
scale installation, smaller customers consider this setup
too complex and expensive.

Currently, integrators overcome inadequately this problem
by installing Lantronix UDS-100. The problem with this
device is the bandwidth generated by the combined
solution (UDS-10 & EntraPass gateway); polling and
flooding the customer’s network with data request from
the gateway. The data traffic is also secured.

Technical Specifications: Order Codes:

Weight 0.6kg KT-IP IP Link Module with Wall
mounted metal enclosure and
DC Power 12VDC KT-IP-PCB accessories (ground wire,
plastic stand off cable and
Dimensions 26.7 x 9.5 x 3.12cm KT-IP-CAB connector)
IP Link PCB only with
Input Current Max: 175mA accessories (ground wire,
plastic stand off, cable and
Typical : 125mA connector)
Metal cabinet for KT-IP-PCB
Communication Ports RJ-45 Ethernet,

10/100Base-T & RS-232

Communication Speed Up to 115200 baud for

serial communication

Compatibility KT-100, KT-200 & KT-300

(KT-200 must always be

on its own Gateway and never combined

with KT-100 & KT-300 controllers)

Maximum units Up to 512 IP Links per

Corporate Gateway / Up

to 64 IP Links per

Special Edition

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