Page 33 - Catalog Kantech 2014
P. 33
Kantech Access Control and Security Management System
Communication Devices
Network Communication Controller
Kantech™ KT-NCC-EU makes your access control system Features:
easier to manage, easier to expand, and much more
reliable. Now, instead of relying on a PC for • Powerful panel architecture removes
communication between the controllers and server, the a layer of PCs to improve reliability
dependable KT-NCC is in control.There are fewer PCs to and save money
maintain, operating systems to upgrade, and security
emergencies to manage. • Onboard TCP/IP eliminates the
need for an external network
KT-NCC includes onboard TCP/IP, a great money-saving communication device
feature, that eliminates the costs associated with buying
and maintaining a third party communication device to link • Supports any combination of up to 128 controllers (KT-
to the network. 300, KT-200, or KT-100)
• Embedded redundancy ensures critical data is always
• Seven LED modes provide quick assessment of system
• Flashable firmware enables fast, convenient updates
• Battery backup provides alternative for Universal Power
Supply (UPS)
• Global functionality such as anti-passback, guard tours,
and alarm systems management is easier than ever to
Technical Specifications: Order Codes:
Physical KT-NCC-EU Embedded Network
Communication Controller
Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D) KT-NCC-PCB (NCC), includes: black
KT-NCC-ACC metal cabinet (KT- NCC-
375.9 x 304.8 x125.7 mm PS-1270 CAB) with transformer
Communication Ports 2 x RS-485 16.5VAC/40VA) and fuse
block (315mA/240VAC) and
1 x RS-232 accessory kit (KT-NCC-EU-
ACC) with lock (KT-LOCK) and
2 x Ethernet 100Base-T tamper switch (KT-TAMPER);
compatible with EntraPass
Electrical Global Edition v3.18 and
AC Power 240Vac Mains input Embedded NCC PCB only,
includes: accessory kit (KT-
required NCC-ACC), ground and battery
cables, hardware to affix
Battery Backup PS-1270 12V/7Ah battery the wire, and the PCB
Accessory kit for KT-NCC,
required includes: four 120 ohms end-
of-line resistors, RS-232 to
Auxiliary Power Output 12 VDC, 250 mA, VC-485 flat cable with RJ-
12 male connectors, and
Operational screwdriver
12Vdc 7Ah Battery
Loops per Gateway Seven loops (2 x RS-485, 1 x
RS-232, 4 x IP)
Controllers per KT-NCC 128 Max
Controllers per Loop RS-485 (COM1 & COM2)
= 32 each RS-232 = 32 each
IP#1 to IP#4 = 8 each
Number of Cards per KT-NCC
Readers/Keypads per KT-NCC
Controller Groups 100
Access Level Groups 100
Compliance FCC Part 15 Class A
CE C-Tick
Communication Devices
Network Communication Controller
Kantech™ KT-NCC-EU makes your access control system Features:
easier to manage, easier to expand, and much more
reliable. Now, instead of relying on a PC for • Powerful panel architecture removes
communication between the controllers and server, the a layer of PCs to improve reliability
dependable KT-NCC is in control.There are fewer PCs to and save money
maintain, operating systems to upgrade, and security
emergencies to manage. • Onboard TCP/IP eliminates the
need for an external network
KT-NCC includes onboard TCP/IP, a great money-saving communication device
feature, that eliminates the costs associated with buying
and maintaining a third party communication device to link • Supports any combination of up to 128 controllers (KT-
to the network. 300, KT-200, or KT-100)
• Embedded redundancy ensures critical data is always
• Seven LED modes provide quick assessment of system
• Flashable firmware enables fast, convenient updates
• Battery backup provides alternative for Universal Power
Supply (UPS)
• Global functionality such as anti-passback, guard tours,
and alarm systems management is easier than ever to
Technical Specifications: Order Codes:
Physical KT-NCC-EU Embedded Network
Communication Controller
Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D) KT-NCC-PCB (NCC), includes: black
KT-NCC-ACC metal cabinet (KT- NCC-
375.9 x 304.8 x125.7 mm PS-1270 CAB) with transformer
Communication Ports 2 x RS-485 16.5VAC/40VA) and fuse
block (315mA/240VAC) and
1 x RS-232 accessory kit (KT-NCC-EU-
ACC) with lock (KT-LOCK) and
2 x Ethernet 100Base-T tamper switch (KT-TAMPER);
compatible with EntraPass
Electrical Global Edition v3.18 and
AC Power 240Vac Mains input Embedded NCC PCB only,
includes: accessory kit (KT-
required NCC-ACC), ground and battery
cables, hardware to affix
Battery Backup PS-1270 12V/7Ah battery the wire, and the PCB
Accessory kit for KT-NCC,
required includes: four 120 ohms end-
of-line resistors, RS-232 to
Auxiliary Power Output 12 VDC, 250 mA, VC-485 flat cable with RJ-
12 male connectors, and
Operational screwdriver
12Vdc 7Ah Battery
Loops per Gateway Seven loops (2 x RS-485, 1 x
RS-232, 4 x IP)
Controllers per KT-NCC 128 Max
Controllers per Loop RS-485 (COM1 & COM2)
= 32 each RS-232 = 32 each
IP#1 to IP#4 = 8 each
Number of Cards per KT-NCC
Readers/Keypads per KT-NCC
Controller Groups 100
Access Level Groups 100
Compliance FCC Part 15 Class A
CE C-Tick