Page 3 - Catalog Kantech 2014
P. 3
Kantech Access Control and Security Management System

Kantech Introduction


Kantech offers a full suite of feature rich and cost effective Intevo – a powerful integration solution for access control
access control products that are reliable, easy to install and Video in one appliance PLUS the capability of
and fully scalable. This chapter covers Kantech PC based and EntraPass go - a solution for ios and Android mobile
solutions – EntraPass software which is available in three devices allowing administration and management to
versions – Special Edition, Corporate Edition and Global authorised users at any time from any location.
Edition. Each offering in addition to their access control
features ID badging, integration with American Dynamics Kantech’s range of door controllers are compatible with
Video solutions and intruder integration from DSC and all of the software Editions. From the cost effective, small
Honeywell (Dimension) Kantech’s customers include footprint single door KT-100, the two readers KT-300 with
single site single door start up organisations and multi site integrated power supply of standby battery compatibility
estates through to corporations spanning the globe – such and the 4 reader KT-400 with network ready features.
is the simplicity, power and flexibility of EntraPass. With
the latest product releases of:

More than 1 No Mobile app or No
workstation? Web access

IP Video only? Yes

Existing Kantech No
compatible Video on
site? No


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