Page 27 - FireClass 2015-2016
P. 27

Special Hazards Dedication to Innovation.

For today’s businesses, survival Each year, TFPP invests millions of
depends on the management of critical dollars and countless hours in the
assets like never before. With more than development of new technologies
600 years of combined experience in to safeguard lives, property and the
special hazard fire suppression, TFPP environment. Our innovations are based
sets the standard for the suppression on customer needs, the outcome of a
and detection of fire in industrial, thorough understanding of their unique
commercial, and other special hazards industries and the challenges and
– offering a solution which considers all opportunities they face.
the risks of the hazard.
Supported by our advanced research
Water Fire Suppression and development facilities, and
modernized manufacturing platforms
More than 30 million specialised throughout the world, the solutions
sprinklers are installed to protect we provide deliver measurable value,
environments and people throughout performance and sustainability to our
the world every year. Each year Tyco is customers.
investing in new innovative technology
to ensure our solutions meet the needs For more information on complete
of our customers and offer the smartest solution offerings from Tyco please visit
protection for every environment.
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