Page 21 - FireClass 2015-2016
P. 21
These three detection elements combine
to provide a highly sensitive detector which
although classed as an optical smoke
detector, increases its sensitivity in a
fire where there is a presence of carbon
monoxide. This enables the detector to
operate, in most cases, much faster than a
standard optical smoke detector enabling the
occupant of the room to be rescued earlier
and suffering less from the effects of smoke/
toxic gas inhalation.
There are times when vulnerable occupants
within a building are at risk but sounding a
high level warning will just cause distress. In
such cases FireClass sounders and beacons
are addressed which means although installed
on the same cables they can be programmed,
when to operate and at what volume. Volume
is set in software so some sounders can be
set at lower levels than others, or even turned
off leaving only the flashing beacon operating.
This allows the designer to be flexible in
his design whilst the installer and user do
not incur extra costs for additional wiring of
sounder circuits. In some cases designers
even opt to use the feature whereby they
sound just the one detector in alarm for a
period of time, to allow the occupant to clear
the cause of the activation.
These three detection elements combine
to provide a highly sensitive detector which
although classed as an optical smoke
detector, increases its sensitivity in a
fire where there is a presence of carbon
monoxide. This enables the detector to
operate, in most cases, much faster than a
standard optical smoke detector enabling the
occupant of the room to be rescued earlier
and suffering less from the effects of smoke/
toxic gas inhalation.
There are times when vulnerable occupants
within a building are at risk but sounding a
high level warning will just cause distress. In
such cases FireClass sounders and beacons
are addressed which means although installed
on the same cables they can be programmed,
when to operate and at what volume. Volume
is set in software so some sounders can be
set at lower levels than others, or even turned
off leaving only the flashing beacon operating.
This allows the designer to be flexible in
his design whilst the installer and user do
not incur extra costs for additional wiring of
sounder circuits. In some cases designers
even opt to use the feature whereby they
sound just the one detector in alarm for a
period of time, to allow the occupant to clear
the cause of the activation.